Friday, June 6, 2008

Hayden Panettiere Does Glamour UK

Hayden Panettiere is on the July cover of Glamour magazine in the UK. Below are some scans from the magazine, we will upload higher quality when we get them but for now enjoy these.

In the magazine, Hayden was on the subject of kissing and has admitted to having a lesbian experiance. She said she has "experimented" with her lady friends when growing up.

She said: “It’s great to be single. It’s great to have boyfriends. Or girlfriends. There are occasions when you kiss your best friend growing up, having fun and goofing about. Like perfecting your technique.”

Hayden who is dating her Heroes costar Milo Ventimiglia was also speaking on the topic of celebrity dating, “People are more interested in who celebrities are dating than the events going in the world. I’m not shallow. And I’m not sharing.”

And finally on the topic of attention celebrities get, “I think there are some people who like that sort of attention more than others. I used to walk my dogs in my pyjamas and couldn’t have cared less, but you become paranoid and you get worried.”


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