Christina Ricci was out picking some stuff up at Rite Aid yesterday, she didn't seem to mind that she knew her movie was going to bomb hardcore. She shouldn't worry too much though, she has a new movie coming up. The movie is called New York, I Love You - sadly its not based on that hot tranny New York. The rumored cast looks like this:
Shia LaBeouf
Blake Lively
Natalie Portman
Christina Ricci
Hayden Christensen
Orlando Bloom
Rachel Bilson
Maggie Q
Ethan Hawke
Olivia Thirlby
Kevin Bacon
Robin Wright Penn
John Hurt
Chris Cooper
I don't know if I believe them all, but if so WOW. Sure most can't act worth a shit but they are all huge names.
you don't seem very informed...
It's a collection of short movies about New York, all the actors won't be staring together, but in different short movies directed by different famous directors. It's taken from the idea of Paris je t'aime, same idea but in Paris.
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