Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tonights Idol

Idol has been so boring lately, tonight the final 4 sang songs from The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame and pretty much massacred a lot of them.

David Cook sang Hungry Like the Wolf and Baba O’Reilly, his first song was boring but he did do well on the second song.

Syesha Mercado sang Proud Mary and A Change is Gonna Come, I thought she did well in both of them, especially her second song (best of the night for me). Randy of course was a prick to her - I don't know what his hate on her is all about. She broke down crying during the judges comments, it was hilarious.

Jason Castro sang I Shot the Sheriff and Mr. Tambourine Man, he butchered his first song and then brought it back to life and butchered it again. On his second song he almost put me asleep but he forgot lyrics so that kept me going. The judges hated both of his performances, I think he was too high to realize.

David Archuleta sang Stand By Me and Love Me Tender, I honestly don't remember his songs. He is sooo boring to me and he is the same every week. It's scary how much he resembles a robot, his father also scares me. He looks like a bear who would rape you in prison.

Bottom two will be Syesha and Jason, most likely Syesha going home.


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