Megan Fox has complained about being labelled a "slut" after she spoke openly about her sex life.In a recent interview, the star revealed: "I'm young and have a lot of hormones - I'm always in the mood."However, the actress's remarks sparked a backlash in Hollywood and she is now hoping to build on her fanbase in the UK instead."I've been typecast by some already - as a slut," "The instant you are open and honest and say you enjoy great sex you are labelled a tramp."It's weird in Hollywood, where people try to control every aspect of you, from the colour of your hair to every word you utter."Fox was recently voted as the 'sexiest woman in the world' by readers of FHM magazine.She added: "It's different in Britain. Women are expected to be conformist automatons in LA but in Britain you can be more yourself and people will take you on face value."
If it looks like a hoe, then it is a hoe and she really looks like a hoe, look at that photo. I hate when these whores complain about Hollywood typecasting them - it's their own fault if you don't want to be labeled as slut keep your sex life private and don't take pictures with your legs open that imply you just got screwed.
Please do fuck off to Britain, I will personally pay for you cause you cannot act worth a shit.
Oh yah, everyone is so judgemental. wtf is she supposed to do? stay virgin till marriage? become a nun, maybe? If a woman sleeps wih a few men she is labelled a whore, it was dumb of her to reveal details about her sex life, since jelous ahem..individuals like you start talking nonstop trash
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