Friday, May 30, 2008

Angelina Jolie has given birth???

This could all be bull, but there is reports in France that ANGELINA JOLIE has given birth to twins..The actress and partner Brad Pitt have welcomed their twins at a Catholic clinic in the country's Aix-en-Provence on Sunday (May 25th).

She gave birth Sunday?? Wow and we are only hearing about it now? I guess we will have to wait for some confirmation or denial from reps of the pair.

9:00am Update: The Insider is confirming that Angelina did give birth.

10:30am Update: Reps for the coupl have denied that Angelina has given birth, "Angelina has not given birth, She is fine, enjoying her home and her family in France."

When the star does actually give birth, media outlets across the world are gonna go crazy and photographers are gonna go ape shit trying to secure the first photo.


Anonymous said...

kids going to disgusting

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